Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ellie on Etsy

It not as hard as "Where's Waldo" to spot the Happiest baby on the Etsy's front page.

Can you see what I see?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Thanks to Ike,we have been using our stroller to walk the dogs. Ellie likes looking at the trees and hearing the birdies chirp. I even heard a few squeals as we went over some bumps.

Ethan put up a new video of "Happy Ellie" on YouTube. Just a note, she does not like the answer to what does a horse say, but she recovers quickly. The video is pretty cute!!

Spinning Bee

I am getting pretty good at getting these.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Take a Hike IKE!!

This is how Ellie "Hunkers Down" for a Hurricane.

The next day, with no power, we kept her cool in just a diaper. It was a growing trend in the Houston area that was started by the fashion forward Elliott Jane Cunningham.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Poor Baby.

Today Ellie got her shots, I was very proud of her, she cried but overall she was very brave and didn't cry for long. She then slept most of the rest of the day.
Her stats are: Height 23 1/2 inches Weight 11 pounds 6.5 ounces.
Doctor Davis says she is doing great!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

This blog is called yarnfarm, right?

Just a quick break from the Ellie pictures. The store is getting ready for it's "Season". There was a super fun spinning class last weekend, and we found out Brandie is a natural spinner. I have added a sales portal at the bottom of the blog which takes you to our online store. You can see all the yarns we sell, including some that Mom dyed herself. And you can sign up for our store email list by putting your email into the "Join Our Mailing List" spot. Be sure to tell a friend.

Sweetie Pie.

What a sweet baby!

Hello BABY!

Sweet Baby Ellie.

I think everyone should have bunny slippers, just like Ellie!!